Panarctic Flora


410701 Rumex longifolius DC.


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Northern Fennoscandia: Scattered
Kanin - Pechora: Persistent (Adventive)
Svalbard - Franz Joseph Land: Casual (Adventive)
Yamal - Gydan: Persistent (Adventive)
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Persistent (Adventive)
East Chukotka: Persistent (Adventive)
Western Greenland: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Casual (Adventive)
Southern Arcti Tundra: Casual (Adventive)
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= (1) 40 (4x). - Europe (N). - At least three reports.
(2) 60 (6x). - Europe, Canada. - Numerous reports.
(3) 80 (8x). - Far East (Japan). - Himi et al. (1999).
Snogerup (2000) stated that tetraploids are found in five different Finnish populations tentatively referable to this species.

Geography: European: ICE* NOR* RUS* SIB* RFE* GRL.

Notes: Rumex longifolius is today mainly a noxious weed in northern Europe, probably an archeophyte, but may be native on seashores northwards into the Arctic. Pollen of subg. Rumex is common in early postglacial sediments in these regions, long before the introduction of agriculture, and this one is the most widespread species. It occurs as a more recent but locally established adventive in other regions, in Greenland most probably from Medieval times in the Norse settlements.

Higher Taxa