Panarctic Flora


370129 Papaver schamurinii V.V. Petrovsky


Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Presence uncertain
Wrangel Island: Rare
Western Alaska: Scattered
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Mid Arctic Tundra: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Presence uncertain

2n= (1) 42 (6x). - Far East (Wrangel Island), Alaska (N). - Zhukova and Petrovsky (1985a, five counts). Hexaploid in FCM, Solstad (2009, 22 plants from one locality)
(2) 8x. - Far East (Wrangel Island). - Octoploid in FCM, Solstad (2009, two plants from one locality together with hexaploids).

Geography: Asian (NE) - amphi-Beringian: SIB? RFE ALA.

Notes: Petrovsky (1999) mapped Papaver schamurinii from three regions - Taimyr, Wrangel Island, and northern Alaska - and also mentioned it in his text from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Petrovsky commented that P. schamurinii could be treated as a subspecies of P. lapponicum or possibly an ecotypical variety on dry sites as opposed to mesic sites for P. lapponicum (subsp. orientale). Kiger and Murray (1997) included the species in a comment to P. lapponicum. We doubt these hypotheses and also need more support for the reports from Taimyr and Canada. We suspect that the Canadian plants belong to P. sp. "Banks" mentioned below. Material from Wrangel Island and northern Alaska, conforming with P. schamurinii morphologically, belongs in the AFLP analysis in a large cluster of Beringian entities, distant from P. lapponicum in molecular markers (Solstad 2009).

Higher Taxa