360801 Aconitum lycoctonum L.
- L., Sp. Pl.: 532 (1753). Lectotype: central Europe. Besler, Hort. Eystett.: 25, f. 2. 1613. (Starmüller in Wisskirchen and Haeupler 1998: 41).
Geography: European - Asian (W).
Notes: The previously ambiguous name Aconitum lycoctonum has been typified on an illustration of a central European plant related to the northern European-Russian and northwestern Siberian one that for long has been known as A. septentrionale. Many recent authors consider the northern plant a subspecies (e.g., Karlsson 2001). Transitional forms are not reported but Karlsson stated that: "two east European subspecies, subsp. lasiostomum (Rchb. ex Besser) K. Warncke and subsp. moldavicum (Hacq.) Jalas, combine the characters of the northern and southern taxa".