Panarctic Flora


342101 Agrostis stolonifera L.


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Northern Fennoscandia: Frequent
Kanin - Pechora: Scattered
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Rare
Yamal - Gydan: Rare
Western Alaska: Persistent (Adventive)
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Persistent (Adventive)
Western Greenland: Rare
Eastern Greenland: Persistent (Adventive)
Southern Arcti Tundra: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= (1) 24-32 28 (4x). - Europe, Russia, Siberia, Far East (N, S), Canada. - Numerous reports. See also Kik et al. (1993, 2n = 24-46).
(2) 35 (5x). - Europe, Russia. - At least five reports.
(3) 42 42-46 (6x). - Europe, Russia, Far East (N, S). - Numerous reports.
(4) 56 (8x). - Europe. - Three old reports.
The numbers in the summary above are mainly taken from Fedorov (1969) under the names A. alba, A. palustris, A. prorepens, A. sibirica, A. stolonifera, and A. stolonizans, supplied by more recent reports. Löve and Löve (1975a) accepted only 2n = 28 for this species. They may have assumed the higher numbers to belong to the related A. gigantea. There is much evidence that several ploidy levels occur in both species, even if some reports covered by the summary above might belong to A. gigantea or other species.

Geography: Amphi-Atlantic - European - Asian (W).

Notes: Tzvelev (PAF proposal) accepted two subspecies: the mainly inland subsp. stolonifera with densely scabrous panicle branches and the mainly coastal subsp. straminea with nearly smooth ones. Peterson and Soreng in Soreng et al. (2003) recognized two varieties for North America but included subsp. straminea in their var. stolonifera. Harvey (2007) did not recognize races. Subspecies straminea was described from within the general range of Agrostis stolonifera s. str. In view of the variation in morphology and chromosome numbers, it has not been clear whether the material is clearly divisible into two taxa, whether the two taxa deserve the rank of subspecies, and whether the plants that reach the Arctic can be assigned to two races. Hultén (1962), repeated by Hultén and Fries (1986): "In the present stage of our knowledge it is impossible to give the range for any subdivisions". A superficial survey of some material (O) from northwestern Europe (incl. Iceland) and Greenland suggests that there is a difference as described by Tzvelev, that both races reach the Arctic, but that subsp. straminea may be restricted to northern mainland Europe.

Higher Taxa