3309088 Carex rufina Drejer
Northern Iceland: Frequent
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Scattered
Western Greenland: Scattered
Eastern Greenland: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered
86. - Europe (N), Canada (E), Greenland. - At least five reports.
Not included: Reports of 2n = 60 from Sweden and Iceland (Levan in Löve and Löve 1942b; Löve and Löve 1956b). Both omitted by Löve and Löve (1975a).
Geography: Amphi-Atlantic: ICE CAN GRL.
Notes: In the AFLP analysis of Nakamatte and Lye (2008), Carex rufina nested within sect. Phacocystis but fairly distant from all the other species included in their analysis. Hybrids (sterile) are known with several other species of Phacocystis, in Scandinavia especially with the largely sympatric C. bigelowii s. lat. Cayouette (in comment) noted that C. rufina morphologically approaches and sometimes is difficult to keep apart from C. lenticularis in northeastern Canada. This is supported by the analysis of Dragon and Barrington (2008, 2009) where C. rufina grouped fairly closely with C. lenticularis, and these together with the South American C. decidua Boott constituted a distinct clade.
Higher Taxa
- Carex [3309,genus]