Panarctic Flora


3309058 Carex atrata L.


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Northern Fennoscandia: Scattered
Kanin - Pechora: Rare
Western Greenland: Scattered
Eastern Greenland: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= 48 52 54 56. - Europe, Greenland. - Numerous reports.
Not included: Reports of the two deviating, low chromosome numbers of 2n = 18 and 26 (Hadac and Hasková 1956) are discounted as probably belonging to other races or to related species. Several reports of 2n = 48-52, 54, and 56, assigned to C. atrata, are from outside its accepted range (Japan, Siberia) and are omitted. They probably belong to related species, of which there are many.

Geography: Amphi-Atlantic: ICE NOR RUS GRL.

Higher Taxa