Panarctic Flora


3309048 Carex rariflora (Wahlenb.) Sm.


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Northern Fennoscandia: Frequent
Kanin - Pechora: Frequent
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Frequent
Yamal - Gydan: Frequent
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Frequent
Anabar - Onenyo: Scattered
Kharaulakh: Frequent
Yana - Kolyma: Scattered
West Chukotka: Rare
South Chukotka: Frequent
East Chukotka: Rare
Western Alaska: Frequent
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Frequent
Central Canada: Scattered
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Frequent
Western Greenland: Frequent
Eastern Greenland: Frequent
Southern Arcti Tundra: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= 50 52 54. - Europe, Siberia, Far East, Canada, Greenland. - Numerous reports.

Geography: Circumpolar: ICE NOR RUS SIB RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Notes: Porsild's var. androgyna seems to be an aberrant form of Carex rariflora with some perigynia at the base of the staminate spike. Such aberrants are common in Carex and not worth taxonomic rank.

Higher Taxa