Panarctic Flora


3309040a Carex fuliginosa subsp. misandra (R. Br.) Nyman


Svalbard - Franz Joseph Land: Frequent
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Frequent
Yamal - Gydan: Rare
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Frequent
Anabar - Onenyo: Frequent
Kharaulakh: Frequent
Yana - Kolyma: Rare
West Chukotka: Scattered
Wrangel Island: Frequent
South Chukotka: Rare
East Chukotka: Frequent
Western Alaska: Frequent
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Frequent
Central Canada: Frequent
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Frequent
Ellesmere Island: Frequent
Western Greenland: Frequent
Eastern Greenland: Frequent
Polar desert: Rare
Northern arctic Tundra: Scattered
Mid Arctic Tundra: Frequent
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered

2n= 40. - Europe (N), Siberia (N), Far East (N), Alaska, Canada, Greenland. - Numerous reports.

Geography: Circumpolar: NOR RUS SIB RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Notes: Elven and Egorova: Egorova (1999, PAF proposal) assigned Carex atrofusca to its own sect. Chartoteuchium. Ball and Mastrogiuseppe (2002) included it in sect. Aulocystis with the comment that it "is the only species in sect. Aulocystis with papillose perigynia, suggesting that it is perhaps misplaced". We accept the section Chartoteuchium.