Panarctic Flora


3309040 Carex fuliginosa Schkuhr

2n= 40. - Europe (C). - Dietrich (1967); Druskovic (1995). Both for subsp. fuliginosa.

Geography: Circumpolar-alpine.

Notes: Ball: Carex misandra should be fully synonymized with central European plants (C. fuliginosa s. str.).

Aiken and Elven: Ball argued for this view in Ball and Mastrogiuseppe (2002). We have compared material of the geographically isolated central European alpine plant (subsp. fuliginosa) with a wide range of specimens of the arctic plant (subsp. misandra) and find them sufficiently different for recognition of two races (but not species). We focus on some other characters than those mentioned by Ball (i.e., those referred by Chater 1980: 315, and others). Ball does not agree and there the matter stands; it must wait for future study, preferably with some molecular markers, too.

Higher Taxa