330510 Eriophorum tolmatchevii M.S. Novos.
Anabar - Onenyo: Rare
Kharaulakh: Rare
Yana - Kolyma: Rare
West Chukotka: Scattered
South Chukotka: Rare
East Chukotka: Rare
Southern Arcti Tundra: Presence uncertain
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent
- M.S. Novos., Bot. Zhurn. 79, 4: 114 (1994). Holotype (LE): Siberia: Yakutia, "distr. Tompo, systema fl. Tompo, fl. Necza", 15. Aug. 1956, leg. I. Kildjuschevski 47/1.
- Eriophorum medium auct., non Andersson (1857).
- Eriophorum scheuchzeri auct., non Hoppe (1800).
Geography: Asian (NE): SIB RFE.
Notes: Novoselova: Eriophorum tolmatchevii is rather similar to E. scheuchzeri and E. altaicum. Differences from E. scheuchzeri are flowering spikelets elliptical vs. widely obovoid or almost spherical; fruiting heads widely bell-shaped, rarely almost spherical vs. half-spherical or spherical; bristles non-tangled, with very plain glossy cream colour or very rarely light ferrugineous vs. slightly entangled, dull dazzling white; scales lanceolate or widely lanceolate, pointed, dark grey or rarely almost black, usually with rather wide white margins, rarely with pigmented (red) stripes of cells vs. narrowly lanceolate, very long-pointed, brownish grey, with narrow pale margins, with numerous red stripes; and achenes narrowly elliptical vs. narrowly obovoid. Differences towards E. altaicum are culms taller, (18) 25-45 (55) vs. (10) 15-25 (30) cm, and thinner, (1) 1.2-1.8 (2) vs. (1) 1.5-2.5 (3) mm; fruiting spikelet with conical base vs. rounded; scales with rather wide white margins vs. narrow white margins or lacking such; and achenes narrowly elliptical vs. narrowly obovoid.
Higher Taxa
- Eriophorum [3305,genus]