Panarctic Flora


320205 Luzula wahlenbergii Rupr.


Northern Fennoscandia: Frequent
Kanin - Pechora: Frequent
Svalbard - Franz Joseph Land: Rare
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Frequent
Yamal - Gydan: Frequent
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Frequent
Anabar - Onenyo: Frequent
Kharaulakh: Frequent
Yana - Kolyma: Scattered
West Chukotka: Frequent
South Chukotka: Frequent
East Chukotka: Frequent
Western Alaska: Frequent
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Central Canada: Scattered
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Scattered
Eastern Greenland: Rare
Mid Arctic Tundra: Scattered
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Frequent
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Scattered


2n= 24. - Europe (N), Far East (N), Alaska, Canada, Greenland. - Numerous reports.
Kirschner et al. (2002a) classified the chromosomes as all 'half-sized', i.e., as split from 2n = 12.
Not included: A report of 2n = 36 from northern Sweden (Löve and Löve 1944a, omitted by Löve and Löve 1975a) probably belongs to the L. arcuata group.

Geography: Circumpolar-alpine: NOR RUS SIB RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Notes: For the isolated Greenland occurrence of Luzula wahlenbergii, see Holmen and Mathiesen (1953).

Higher Taxa