Panarctic Flora


320117 Juncus bufonius L.


Northern Iceland: Persistent (Adventive)
Northern Fennoscandia: Persistent (Adventive)
Kanin - Pechora: Persistent (Adventive)
Yamal - Gydan: Persistent (Adventive)
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Persistent (Adventive)
South Chukotka: Casual (Adventive)
Western Alaska: Persistent (Adventive)
Central Canada: Casual (Adventive)
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Casual (Adventive)
Western Greenland: Persistent (Adventive)
Shrub Tundra: Persistent (Adventive)
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent

2n= 106-108 100-ca. 120. - Europe, Russia, Canada, U.S.A. - Numerous reports.
Löve and Löve (1975a) accepted three reports of 2n = 106, one from an arctic locality, and omitted the numerous other reports (including their own) within the wider range reported above.

Geography: European - Asian?: ICE* NOR* RUS* SIB* RFE** ALA* CAN* GRL*.

Notes: The majority of chromosome counts indicate a functional base number of x = 20-21. Most species then are diploids and tetraploids. Two species with 2n = 30 and 32 (Juncus tenuis, J. trifidus) may indicate x = 15 og 16 as additional base numbers.

Higher Taxa