Panarctic Flora


040105b Equisetum arvense subsp. alpestre (Wahlenb.) Schönswetter & Elven


Northern Iceland: Frequent
Northern Fennoscandia: Scattered
Kanin - Pechora: Frequent
Svalbard - Franz Joseph Land: Frequent
Polar Ural - Novaya Zemlya: Frequent
Yamal - Gydan: Scattered
Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya: Scattered
Anabar - Onenyo: Scattered
Kharaulakh: Scattered
Yana - Kolyma: Rare
West Chukotka: Frequent
Wrangel Island: Frequent
South Chukotka: Frequent
East Chukotka: Frequent
Western Alaska: Frequent
Northern Alaska - Yukon: Scattered
Central Canada: Scattered
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Frequent
Ellesmere Island: Scattered
Western Greenland: Frequent
Eastern Greenland: Frequent
Polar desert: Rare
Northern arctic Tundra: Frequent
Mid Arctic Tundra: Frequent
Southern Arcti Tundra: Frequent
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Rare


2n= >200 216 (2x). - Europe (N), Alaska. - Löve and Löve (1961c); Packer and McPherson (1974, 2n = >200, 'corrected' to 2n = ca. 216 by Löve and Löve 1975a).

Geography: Circumpolar-alpine: ICE NOR RUS SIB RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Notes: The same subspecific combination by Rønning, Svalbards Fl., ed. 3: 18, 115 (1996), is illegitimate due to lack of any basionym reference.

Schönswetter and Elven: Schönswetter et al. (2001) argued that the name subsp. boreale - more or less uniformly used for the arctic-alpine race (e.g., Tolmachev 1960; Øllgaard 2000) - has been misapplied. The name E. boreale Bong., Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, sér. 6, Sci. Math. 2: 174 (1833) [E. arvense var. boreale (Bong.) Rupr., Hist. Stirp. Fl. Petrop.: 91 (1845); E. arvense subsp. boreale (Bong.) Á. Löve, Náttúrufrædingurinn 18: 101 (1948)] is based on a plant from Sitka in southeastern Alaska, in our opinion belonging within subsp. arvense and differing in several characters from the arctic and high alpine plant. The next available name is Wahlenberg's var. alpestre, and we made a subspecific combination based on that name.

Higher Taxa