Panarctic Flora


3309074 Carex aff. halophila


Northern Fennoscandia: Scattered
Shrub Tundra: Rare
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= ca. 78. - Europe (Norway). - Borgen and Elven (1983, for C. halophila).

Geography: European (N): NOR RUS.

Notes: The name Carex halophila is currently being applied for plants both on the northern Baltic coasts (Bothnian Sea and Bay) and on the North Atlantic and arctic coasts of Fennoscandia. For the former, see above. The latter are more similar to the primary hybrids C. aquatilis x salina or C. nigra x salina but with better fertility and probably at least partly stabilized. Atlantic C. sp. aff. halophila is the only part of the C. recta group that reaches the Arctic in northern Europe.

Higher Taxa