Panarctic Flora


320115 Juncus ranarius Songeon & E.P. Perrier


Northern Iceland: Rare
Northern Fennoscandia: Scattered
Yamal - Gydan: Present only in the Borderline Arctic
East Chukotka: Rare
Western Alaska: Rare
Central Canada: Present only in the Borderline Arctic
Hudson Bay - Labrador: Rare
Western Greenland: Rare
Eastern Greenland: Rare
Shrub Tundra: Scattered
Bordering boreal or alpine areas: Frequent


2n= 34 30-38. - Europe, Siberia, Asia (C), Canada, U.S.A. (W), Greenland. - Numerous reports, partly for J. bufonius.
Not included: A report of 2n = 52 for J. nastanthus from the Chukchi Peninsula (Yurtsev et al. 1975b). This is above the normal ploidy range for J. ranarius.

Geography: Circumboreal-polar: ICE NOR RUS (SIB) RFE ALA CAN GRL.

Notes: Juncus ranarius is a shore specialist, both seashores and freshwater shores. It is morphologically distinct and is perhaps the only species of the aggregate to reach the Arctic as native. Presence in arctic North America has been disputed but we have seen specimens from at least three arctic coastal localities in western Alaska (ALA, O), from Inuvik in the Mackenzie River Delta (CAN), and from several localities on Hudson Bay (CAN). Egorova (PAF proposal) did not report it from the Russian Far East but there are chromosome reports assigned to this taxon from the Chukchi Peninsula. Kovtonyuk (1987, as J. nastanthus) reported it from a locality in the Borderline Arctic on the lower Ob River in northwestern Siberia. It is well documented from the Arctic in Greenland, Iceland, Norway, and European Russia.

Several Russian authors, and also Cope and Stace (1978) and Kent (1992), have proposed J. ambiguus Guss. to be the priority species name. Snogerup (1980) and Kirschner et al. (2002c) concluded that J. ambiguus is a synonym for the specifically different and much more southern J. hybridus Brot.

Higher Taxa